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Groomarts Academy, London Colney, Hertfordshire, AL2 JY

Have a question? Ask us about professional dog grooming courses

Get in touch with the experts - ask one of our Teachers or Student Liaison how you can start a career as a dog groomer today.

Download our brochure and take a look at our full range of training courses.

If you would like to visit GroomArts Academy and see how we work behind the scenes then complete this form and we will be in touch

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If you are interested in one of our courses but need more information before enrolling, we will contact you by phone or email to provide all the details you need and answer any questions you may have. Simply select the course you're interested in and share your details with us.

  • Download GroomArts Brochure

    Download our brochure and take a look at our full range of training courses.

  • Arrange a Visit

    If you would like to visit GroomArts Academy and see how we work behind the scenes then complete this form and we will be in touch

    Interested In

  • Enquire about Courses

    If you are interested in one of our courses but need more information before enrolling, we will contact you by phone or email to provide all the details you need and answer any questions you may have. Simply select the course you're interested in and share your details with us.

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