What is Asian Fusion and Why is it so Popular?
Want to try it at home?
Pick up a pair of curved grooming sheers, these will help you to create rounder looks, especially around the face and legs. There are no rules to follow, so get creative and see what look you can create!

While dogs are already adorable, creating round faces with fluffy ears and tube-like legs accentuates the anime-style look, making them look so cute! Paired with a little bowtie, this dog is perfect for those puppy Instagram posts!
This little pooch in a t-shirt is just adorable to look at! With rounded hair around the face and feet, it’s not hard to see why Asian Fusion is such a hit on social media!

Asian Fusion isn’t just limited to short-haired dogs – those with longer hair can also get in on the fun! This pup with pigtail-like ears and bell-bottom flares adds a really fun 70s look to this picture!
Using dog-friendly hair dye can really allow owners to be creative with their ideas! Not only does this dog look super cute, but the style is also fun and a reflection of their owner. A bit of colour is sure to turn heads and melt hearts wherever your pup goes!