Pet Business Guidance 12th January UK

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An update on pet grooming was requested by DEFRA on 11 January and has been included into the guidance document: Pet Business Guidance 12 January 2022

PIF Response to DEFRA Revised Guidance – 12 January 2022 Further to the publication of the DEFRA approved pet business guidance on 6 January in response to the third national lockdown, DEFRA have now announced revised and strengthened wording relevant to all pet groomers and regardless of their working environment. A replacement first paragraph now states: Groomers may accept a dog to be groomed by appointment where this is necessary for the animal’s welfare and not simply for aesthetic reasons. Welfare reasons could include on veterinary advice for a skin condition or excessive matting causing the pet discomfort. When routine grooming can be delayed without affecting the pet’s welfare until the national lockdown is eased it should be put off. 

The necessity for an appointment is to ensure social distancing between clients. If dogs are brought to site owners should remain in their vehicles until staff are ready to accept their dog. The business handover protocol set out by CFSG should be followed and should take place in an outdoor space large enough for the client and staff to maintain their social distance. Multiple dogs may be taken in at a time where a grooming salon has sufficient space to separate them and for groomers to maintain social distancing whilst working (2m should be adhered to).

You can read the full statement here: Pet Care Business Advice

Keep learning whist you are not working and always strive to improve your skills and develop technique! 

Essential Dog Grooming Guide_Get Professional with Pets from Groomarts Academy on Vimeo.

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