6 Habits that will destroy your dog grooming equipment
And our tips on how to change them

1. Leaving equipment on the grooming table
This is one of the most common habits we see in our students! Leaving equipment such as clippers, scissors or blades on the grooming table can easily result in a dog stepping on your tools or kicking them off the table. Not only can this lead to injury but it's likely to blunt or break your grooming tools too!
2. Dropping your Scissors
Not only are grooming scissors incredibly sharp (as you tend to find out the hard way), they are also incredibly delicate! Dropping them on the floor is one of the fastest ways to blunt them.
Although it may be hard to avoid being clumsy, you CAN make sure that the scissor rings are the correct size for better grip, and that you store them securely in a tool holster when they aren't in use.

3. Dropping your clippers or blades
If you are prone to dropping your blades or clippers, try having a trolley or grooming bag nearby that you can store them in as soon as you are done with them. This may seem like extra effort but will save you money in the long run, and these tools are definitely not cheap!
4. Leaving hair in your clippers, blades and comb attachments
As a dog groomer, you'll deal with more than your fair share of hair. Those tiny cuttings can easily build up in your clipper drives, blades and comb attachments which can cause blockages. If these blockages aren't cleared often enough they can quickly lead to rusting of your precious tools!

5. Not cleaning and sanitising your equipment properly
It's a great idea to have cleaning and disinfectant sprays or Barbicide on hand so you can quickly clean down your equipment between appointments. Not only will this prevent the spread of diseases, it will also extend the life of your tools!
6. Storing your equipment while wet
You want to make sure that all of your equipment is fully dry before storing them in any bags or cases. Even the slightest bit of damp can quickly lead to rusting and breeding bacteria!