What can you charge for Dog Grooming?

For your new business, whether starting small and just doing a friend’s Pomeranian in your own home or hand stripping in fantastic brand new facilities, you need to understand your pricing to be able to get the most from your area. There are several steps to making sure that you do this at the right level.

Firstly, research your local area; find out what people are charging; find out the range of services that are on offer where you want to work; know your market and your competition.

Secondly, do not be tempted to price yourself low. There are many groomers that do not go through proper training and sometimes experience doesn’t equal quality and it can equal complacency. Have faith in your training.

Thirdly, think of what is a reasonable mark up. Set out a business plan and look at your accounts properly. You need to be able to comfortably make profit from what you are doing. Yes, it is important to gain customers but by aiming to low you can make yourself very busy without any real profit. On the other hand, by pricing too high, you make mark yourself out of getting the custom through your doors.

Lastly, think of your USP - this may be a cliche to some, but you must tune in to what you stand for and there has to be a reason why people select you over someone else.  Do you only do small dogs? Or large dogs? Only terriers? Do you offer grooming and hydrotherapy? Do you specialise in scissoring breeds? Do you offer organic treats? Do you offer vegan only diets? Do you use non-animal tested products? Are you the only Asian-style groomer in the region? Whatever the unique aspect to your business, you absolutely must discover it and market the heck out of it.

Price guides

These pricing suggestions give you a rough guideline as to where you can pitch your services. Remember that this is the baseline for your manpower only and that every time a customer enters your salon there is an opportunity to upsell and cross-sell. Items like special conditioners and shampoos, whitening products, tear stain removal, colour enhancers, perfumes, poo bags, treats, collars, toys and a multitude of other add-ons' that your customers will love.

  • Extra small dogs from £25 to £35. For example, Pugs and Pomeranians

  • Small dogs from £35 and above. For example, Shih Tzu, Miniature Schnauzer and West Highland White Terriers

  • Medium dogs from £37 and above. For example, Cocker Spaniels, Cockerpoo’s and Schnauzer

  • Large dogs £45 and above. For example, German Shepherd, Samoyed and Standard Poodle

  • Extra large dogs £65 and above. For example, Bernese mountain dogs, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard and Great Dane

  • Hand stripping £40 and above (Want to learn how to hand strip a dog? Groomarts offer its very own workshop)

If you haven't done so already, you should check out the article on "What can you earn as a Newly Qualified Dog Groomer"

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